Not surprisingly, moving is considered one of the most stressful life events.  And since the average person will live in 12 different homes in their lives (according to the US Census Bureau), that’s a lot of moving and a lot of stress.  I’ve done my fair share of moving (both myself and clients) and always suggest and use these tips.  So, without further ado…

Start Early  

Timex Time Alarm Clock

Once you know a move is in your future, start preparing.  Don’t wait until a week before and certainly don’t wait until the day before to start prepping.  Following the remaining tips in this post will take time.  But, they are worth their time investment in the long run, I promise.

Purge Before You Pack  

One of the key reasons to start the process of moving early is to allow yourself enough time to really go through all your items and determine if you still need/want them.  Yep, I’m talking every item.  Ask yourself if the item is still useful, if you still like it, and if it will have a place in your future home.  If the answer is ‘yes’, then it stays.  If the answer to any of these is ‘no’, then it’s time to say goodbye.  Donate it, trash it, or give it away before the move (check out my Donation Do’s and Don’t post for more on this.)  Why spend the energy, time, and money to pack something up, move it, find a place for it in the new home, only to get rid of it then?  Or worse, to still never use it and instead have it just take up space and add clutter.  I know this seems like a really big task and I’m not going to lie, it is.  But it is so very worth it.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve encountered clients who, while unpacking, have told me they wish they had purged more before moving. 

Unopened Cardboard Moving Boxes

Pack by Room  

This one might seem obvious, but during unpacks, I’ve seen clients pack kitchen items with bathroom items and garage items in the same box.  I understand wanting to maximize your boxes, but in the end, it isn’t very efficient.  Doing this makes it difficult to properly label your boxes and difficult to land your boxes in the right room at the new home.  You’ll spend unnecessary time moving items between rooms once inside your new home.  And let’s be honest, you’ll be spending enough time unpacking as it is without needing to bring your colander back downstairs because it was in a box with your master towels.   

Label Your Boxes Properly  

I always suggest labeling every box with a unique number along with the room it’s destined to be delivered to in the new home.  This label should be included on the top and on every side of the box.  This might seem like overkill but this way, no matter the orientation of the box, you will know what room it goes in and which box it is.

Keep a Master List  

Female Hands on Laptop Keyboard

This is one of my biggest lifesaving tips for a move.  The list should include the box number, the room the box is destined for, and a general list of what is inside.  I’ve seen various ways of doing this task including marking the contents on the box and keeping an inventory sheet inside the box or attached to the outside.  I don’t suggest this approach because you are dependent on you having the box to have the list.  What happens if the moving company forgets, misplaces, or loses a box?  If you labeled by number, you might know one is missing but would you know what’s inside for complaint/insurance purposes?  Even if you never plan to let your boxes out of your sight, this is still a great suggestion to help you prioritize unpacking or if you are thinking of storing boxes for any amount of time.  I guarantee your brain will purge the contents of that third wardrobe box from your front closet if you don’t write it somewhere for reference.  I always keep the list digitally and have a printed copy upon move in.  That way I can check off each box as it enters the home and once again when unpacked.

Pack a ‘First Night’ Suitcase  

Moving day can be long and stressful.  And the last thing you will want to do at the end of the day is scramble to open various boxes for bed sheets, pajamas, and toiletries for you and your family.  Instead, pack a single suitcase (or two) filled with first night/first morning necessities and transport these with you personally.  It will be the first thing you unpack, and you will be glad you did it.  Fill the suitcase with necessary bed linens, towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, pajamas, toiletries, chargers, and a set of clothes for the next day.

Keep All Important Documents With You  

Dog Inside Open Cardboard Box

These are things like your passports, birth certificates, social security cards, etc.  Sometimes boxes get lost or damaged and it’s just better to keep these types of things with you for safe keeping. 

As always, I hope you found this post interesting, informative, inspiring, or entertaining (I’ll take any one as a success).  If so, please let me know in the comments section.  Also let me know if there is anything you’d like to see on this blog by writing me at



The Organizing Blonde